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Downline Pricing

Your 'downline' refers to other SurfMax members you have referred to us.  Having a sizable downline is a great advantage, since you receive a portion of the credits that they earn in your account.

Members of your downline can also choose to receive text emails from you, if you wish to promote other products.  It is their choice to allow this or not.  You do not receive their email address, but can send them an email once per week through a form system in our members area.

We get a significant number of 'free agent' members.  These are members that found us through our own advertising, through our main search engine site, or whose original referring member has left the program.

If you want to expand your downline, we allow you to purchase 'free agent' members as referrals.  On our downline purchasing page, we will keep an up-to-date count of free agents, so you'll know your order can be filled quickly.

We are currently selling referrals at the following rates (purchase subject to availability):

Quantity Total Price Unit cost

These prices are subject to change.  All value amounts on this site are in U.S. Dollars.  All sales are subject to availability of 'free agent' members.


Buying members into your downline is like playing the stock market without research data:  The member may quit, or they may be a super-earner.  Only time will tell.


This Traffic Exchange is NOT a Paid to Surf nor an Internet Investment Businesses. We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. When you purchase goods or services here, there will be no form of "investment" in that payment. The entire purchase price will be for the selected goods or service only!

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