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All-Time Top 25 Surfers

This is a purely-prestige page (no bonuses here.. that wouldn't be fair to newcomers), and it is updated the day statistical emails go out.

Information for Surfing as of 13 October.

ID - Handle # /Sites Surfed
3 - aWolf 8972583
7 - Spirit 5761334
1532 - trexlist 5189935
691 - OpensourceSEO 3626743
1487 - AutoresAutonomos 3090303
743 - oxfordscientist 2704857
1247 - TerraNova2010 2477223
967 - Bazza 2471638
1122 - (no handle) 2216123
900 - ibagul2009 1875943
1004 - (no handle) 1779378
382 - Livepages 1724939
1 - Dark Wolf 1442402
481 - super8v92 1442068
366 - Greahtouse 1308805
979 - Incredible-Earnings.com 1278801
247 - Russ 1252525
956 - Ivogerva 1222617
1566 - Cristian N 1202717
491 - globalcontac 1159327
4 - Bcrow 1025876
463 - dupout 950593
706 - randy 755704
1082 - cleverclix 715316
385 - Gernot 706182

Total sites surfed by top-25: 56353932
Total sites surfed by all members: 91320218


This Traffic Exchange is NOT a Paid to Surf nor an Internet Investment Businesses. We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. When you purchase goods or services here, there will be no form of "investment" in that payment. The entire purchase price will be for the selected goods or service only!

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